IALC Pre-Peace Fellowship Research Tour, June 1997
Note: All pictures taken by Dr. John Nicholaides, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Permission is granted to reuse these pictures for private and educational uses only, as long as proper attribution is given.
Slide No. 1: Dr. Menachem Sachs, Tour Organizer Extraordinaire
Slide No. 2: Tour leaders John and Gwynne Nicholaides
Slide No. 3: Northern Israel: Northern Israel Nursery
Slide No. 4: Northern Israel: Baram Forest
Slide No. 5: Mycorrhizal research, one-on-two
Slide No. 6: Central Israel: Eshtaol Tree Nursery
Slide No. 7: Southern Israel: Patchiness Research Field Plots
Slide No. 8: Southern Israel: Patchiness Research Explained
Slide No. 9: Southern Israel: Opuntia Cactus Research
Slide No. 10: Southern Israel: Maktesh Ramon Crater
Slide No. 11: Southern Israel: Eschol Park
Slide No. 12: Southern Israel: Yatir Forest
Slide No. 13: Yatir Forest One-on-One
Slide No. 14: "The Dead Sea Float"