The Process of Creating the Sonoran Desert Website
Dr. Christina Kennedy, Northern Arizona University,
The World Wide Web is increasingly becoming a major source of information for people with access to computers. The audience includes students from grade school through the university, teachers, and professors. A Website can provide almost instant access to a wide and varied audience and provide a flexible venue that can be easily altered. Because sites are not refereed, however, vital questions arise. From the users' perspective the main question should be, "Is the information on this site valid or accurate?" Whereas, the site's author is faced with multiple questions. Two of the most pertinent are how to provide valid information and how to make the site accessible to an audience with differing skill levels.
Using the creation of a web page about the Sonoran Desert as a case study, this poster discusses the following developing an overall purpose; increasing validity through including and writing up original research and careful selection of links; and, piquing interest through the selection of photos and graphics.