Design, Build, and Bring On-Line an IALC Component of the Arid Lands Info Network
Investigators (most current known information)
Proposal Abstract
[NOTE: The IALC initially funded its web site in 1994 for one year, and has continued funding it on a yearly basis since then, sometimes under different project numbers. Since all web site work is essentially a continuation of the original grant, only one entry is given for it. Each year, the final report abstract for that year is uploaded to this page.]
1996-97 Final Report:
During its second year of publication, the IALC Online Newsletter went to a monthly publication format, thus greatly increasing its timeliness and its depth of coverage of relevant news. As of April 30, 1997, 23 issues (with the May 1997 issue being #23) of the newsletter had been published and archived at the Web site. Newsletter graphics have been redesigned and several changes have been made for ease of navigation and logical layout of the newsletter. In addition, a new part of the monthly news column, called the "Information Exchange," was created and is included in each issue as appropriate. The Information Exchange is a list of inquiries for arid-lands-related information that have come to the PI's attention during the previous month. Its purpose is to increase the newsletter's potential for fostering communication and collaboration among the arid lands community worldwide.
The links section of the web site has continued to expand during this year. The most exciting new category of links created this year is the "Education" section, which includes links to arid lands related educational materials suitable for elementary school, middle school, high school, and multiple levels, as well as documents for educators. All other links sections are now further subdivided into "International," "International Regions," "National," and "Regional" subsections. All links chosen are extensively reviewed and annotated. Within the past six months or so it has become increasingly rare to find worthwhile sites to link to. I believe that this is a clear indication that we have successfully sought out and linked to a very high percentage of all arid lands related web sites currently available. However, a consequence of this thoroughness is that the number of links will grow far more slowly in future, even though the amount of time needed to seek out and evaluate potential links will not diminish by that much.
Additions to the "About the IALC," "Current IALC Activities," "IALC Peace Fellowship" sections of the site continue to be added at irregular intervals as received by the PI.
Feedback on the IALC site continues to be very positive. So far during 1997, the IALC web site has received two awards. The first of these was "4-gold-stars" given in January 1997 by NetGuide Live (, a web site specializing in reviews of other web sites. The URL originally given for the award text has been changed, but is still available from NetGuide Live by searching on the spelled-out name of IALC. The second award is from the eNetDigest, which evaluates web sites in the areas of agriculture, environment, and natural resources. This valuable resource awarded four gold stars (meaning "- Excellent; content-rich; good design; personality; graphics augment the site") to the IALC site in February 1997, recommending it as "A bookmark if this is your subject area." The review is archived on the Web at URL:
Finally, during the period April 1, 1995, and July 29, 1997, statistics indicate that there have been 23,491 "hits" on the IALC Web site, an average of almost 850 hits per month.
No outcomes reported