Water Use and Growth in Dryland Oaks: Effects of Coppice Thinning
Investigators (most current known information)
Proposal Abstract
The effect of coppice thinning on water use by oaks were studied by scientists in both the United States and Israel. Transpiration rates, growth and water data was collected on Quercus calliprinos stands growing on Mount Carmel in Israel. Similar measurements were taken in the United States in southeastern Arizona on Quercus emoryi. Transpiration rates were calculated from sap flow measurements obtained by using a heat pulse meter. In Israel the highest average daily transpiration rate of about 28.1 liters per tree per day occurred in May, and the lowest of 5.0 liters per tree per day in October. The study in the United States reported that the transpiration rate in Q. emoryi ranged from 4.0 liters per day in the winter to 14 liters per day in the summer. In Israel, thinning enhanced the growth rate of the remaining trunks. The circumferences of the trunks in the thinned stools increased to 115.4% of their initial value in 3 years compared with only 107% by those of the trunks in the non-thinned stands. The analysis of growth rates of Q. emoryi in the United States are being summarized.
Article in Journal
Shipek, D.C. and P. F. Ffolliott. 2003. "Water, wood and wildlife management of Emory oak coppice: A preliminary decision matrix." Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest 33:43-45.
M.S. Thesis
Shipek, D.C. 2003. Transpiration by Emory oak rootstocks: Response to thinning treatments. M.S. Thesis. The University of Arizona. Tucson AZ.
Shipek, D.C. and P. F. Ffolliott. 2005. "Management of thinned Emory oak coppice for multiple benefits." In Proceeding of biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago II: Connecting mountain islands and desert seas. USDA Forest Service (in preparation).
Shipek, D.C., P. F. Ffolliott, G.J. Gottfried and L.F. DeBano. 2004. "Transpiration and multiple use management of Emory oak coppice." USDA Forest Service Research Paper RMRS-RP-48.
Shipek, D. C., L.F. DeBano, G.J. Gottfried and P. F. Ffolliott. 2003. "Water use by rootstocks of Emory oak coppice." In Proceedings of International Arid Lands Consortium conference, Assessing capabilities of soil and water resources in drylands: The role of information retrieval and dissemination technologies, 167-173. Tucson AZ.