Animated Simulations for Semi-Arid Watersheds
Investigators (most current known information)
Proposal Abstract
The work to develop animated simulations on the Managing Arid and Semi-Arid Watersheds Website ( created new functionality and the enhancement of the existing resources. The site previously provided users with the ability to search, view, and download desired data or entire data sets from selected experimental watersheds of the Arizona Water Program, as well as providing a tool to graph those results. Data included ground-based measurements such as streamflow, temperature, and precipitation. Recent website development added recent remote sensing data sets to the site for the first time, giving users the ability to see watersheds in a new way that encompasses vegetation cover, green-up, die-off, and difference from average vegetation in a selected area. Expanding the coverage of historical data from the Arizona Water Program, the HUC Comparison Tool animates current data for the entire United States. Users can create ttime-series animations of any selected watershed in the continental United States at a number of zoom levels (HUC level 2, 4, 6 or 8); they can compare two different watersheds side-by-side, or compare two different data sets for the same watershed.
Additional improvements to the Managing Arid and Semi-Arid Watersheds website include an expanded bibliography, new field descriptions for data tables, a guide to understanding timber data, and unit converters for tabular data.
"Managing arid and semi-arid watersheds."