Technical Training Course on Mitigating Risks to Conservation and Sustainable Use of Water and other Natural Resources
Initiative number: 97D-08A (FY98)
Initiative duration: 1 Year
Dates: May 15, 1998 to September 14, 1999
Peter F. Ffolliott (PD) - Professor, School of Renewable Natural Resources, 220 Bio Sciences East, The University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85719, USA; TEL: +1 (520) 621-7276, FAX: +1 (520) 621-8801
Final Report Abstract
This technical training course, held from 30 May to 11 June 1999, in Amman, Jordan, and Tel Aviv, Israel, for trainees from Jordan, the Palestinian Environmental Authority, and Israel, concentrated on the consequences of natural climatic variability in planning for water resource management; sustainable agroforestry practices; pastoral issues, including forage production, grazing systems, and range improvement techniques; and monitoring and evaluation of the sustainability of resources development programs. The role of dendrochronology in generating stochastic (statistical) information on climatic regimes was stressed.
The course consisted of formal lectures and informal cultural visits.
The primary sponsor of the course was the International Arid Lands Consortium. Other external support was provided by the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the University of Arizona. Regional support was furnished by the Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan; the Palestinian Environmental Authority; and the Land Development Authority, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the State of Israel.
Technical Training Course Manual
Ffolliott, P.F. 1999. Mitigating risks to conservation and sustainable use of water and other natural resources.Amman, Jordan 30 May - 4 June and Tel Aviv, Israel 6 June - 11 June.
Support for this initiative came from the USDA Forest Service.